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High Fructose Syrup  
center High Fructose Syrup is processed from hydrolyzed corn starch and contains fructose a simple sugar carbohydrate, just like sucrose. It is about 75% sweeter than sucrose, less expensive than sugar, and mixed well in many foods. The content of fructose is more than 42% of total carbohydrates  
Products Technique Index
Sense Index
colorless or yellowish light transparent and viscous liquid
smell of fructose


sweet taste, no peculiar smell

Physics Index
Dry solids 71.0%
Fructose 42.0%
Glucose + Fructose 92.0%
PH value 3.54.5
Color RBU 50 RBU
Infusible granule 6.0mg/kg
Sulphate ash 0.05%
Transparency 96%

Hygiene Index
Items Top grade First grade Second grade
Pb(Pb2+) 0.5mg/kg
As(As3_) 0.5mg/kg
SO2 10mg/kg
Coliforms (N) 30 MPN/100g
Total bacteria(N) 1500 cfu/ml
Pathogens (salmonella) Negative

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